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St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush
Europe's first CFES School of Distinction

Weekly Roundup #WR8

The weekly roundup for St Joseph's from Monday 3rd of February 2020 - Friday 7th February 2020. #WR7
Weekly Roundup #WR8

Monday 3rd - Friday 7th February 2020

2nd Years Work On Everyday Maths Skills

There was great fun with Ms McCarthy this week in her 2nd year maths class. While studying the concept of estimation the students set each other different tasks and then timed each other. The fun and enthusiasm was contagious. This class gave real meaning to maths as an everyday subject, and had some fun along the way too. The students were learning maths skills that put maths firmly into the context of their everyday lives.

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Frame of Mind - Short Film Competition

Well Done & Congratulations to Keira Dockrell Brady & Amy Roche, 1st year students who were shortlisted in the Walk In My Shoes "Frame of Mind" short film competition 2020. Their short film dealt with wellbeing and ways to have a healthy mind. We are so so so proud of the girls as they were up against senior student competition and were shortlisted out of all the entries submitted. Such an amazing achievement.

Keep an eye out on these budding film makers - Oscars here we come!

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Check out their short film here:

We've got mail!

Ms Brophy's 2nd year class put their literacy and letter writing skills to the test before Christmas by sending letters over to Ms Bush and her class in Alma High School, Michigan. We were delighted to get our return post this week. The excitement was palpable. Our American peers had shared information about their school day, their hobbies and interests. The told us about Alma, where they are from and the state of Michigan. The Alma students told us that the Robin is the Michigan state bird and wondered what the Irish state bird was? - Anyone? Ms Brophy was very surprised to learn that the state bird for Ireland is the Vanellus Vanellus - A Northern Lapwing. This bird was declared the Republic of Ireland's national bird by a committee of the Irish Wildlife Conservancy in 1990. Guess everyday is a learning day, even for the teachers!

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Maynooth University - Junior Certificate Business Awards 2020

We were delighted to attend an awards ceremony in Maynooth University yesterday evening in celebration and recognition of our students and teachers in the 2019 Junior Cycle Business Studies Awards. 15 students were congratulated having achieved Excellence in their Business Studies exam. Maynooth University is becoming increasingly popular as a university of choice for many students from St Joseph's! Congratulations to all on their achievements - we are very proud of you all.


1st Year Boys Quarter Final

The boys were up against Donabate in the Quarter Final this week. Unfortunately the lads lost out in a very tough game. We're very proud of how the lads performed this year, well done to them all on committment to training & passion for the sport and team! The future looks bright for this group.

A huge thank you to Gary O Shaughnessy for capturing the brilliant shots of the boys in action. Some really super photos here!

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Educators from the European Commission & SSE Inspectorate Visit School

We were delighted to welcome international educationalists to school on Thursday to share our experience of collaboration. We were so proud of our student voice forum who took the lead with our visitors and showed them what St Joseph's is made of. Well done to Ms Kinsella for organising the group and to the St Joseph's Student Support Team who presented so well to the visiting group too. There was huge engagement & interest from all present making for a very positive and encouraging visit.

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Past Pupil Role Model for Young Women Everywhere

Linda Djougang, past pupil has been a rising star of the Irish women's rugby team. Louise Lawless writes about how Linda is "relishing trailblazing role as she aims for the top". We are so proud of Linda, her ambition and hard work is next to none. What a super role model for students across the country!

Read the full article here:


Learner Voice Team

The learner voice teacher team in school has shared their expertise to Lead Teaching & Learning by providing many different cooperative learning strategies for other teachers. Mr Byrne & Mr Dowling filled the notice board in our work room with different ideas, methodologies, strategies and resources. Teachers sharing best practice and new ideas with their peers - the best way for all of us to learn. Professional peer engagement a very imporant part of our profession. Well done Mr Byrne & Mr Dowling and the whole learner voice team.

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Elle Really Did Make It To Law School!

Rowena Leahy, TY, our musical lead spent the week on the "Look into Law" programme with The Bar of Ireland. This is a jam packed programme including talks from the DPP, visits to court and a tour of The Kings Inn. A super experience for Rowena, thank you very much for this opportunity.

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TY Jigsaw Ambassadors

Jigsaw Fingal were out this week to train our TY Ambassadors. These students will be working on a project to highlight the importane of mental health in St Joseph's and the help that is available to all students. Very admirable as all these TY Student Ambassadors are volunteers and have given up their time for a cause they believe strongly in.

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My EirQuest Test Results for TYs

A huge thank you to Ms Heaney & Mr Reade for their super work with the TYs in another way to support them in making the right choices for them and their future. On Thursday evening students accompanied by their parents made a great turn out for information and guidance on how to read the My Eir Quest test results. A very informative evening that was greatly appreciated.


Transforming Education Teachmeet 2020

Ms Hayden, Mr Nealon, Mr Byrne & Ms Ní Chonchubhair attended the Transforming Education Teachmeet 2020 this week. With Mr Nealon contributing to the panel about our peer mentoring programme here in St Joseph's. Mr Nealon spoke about how the mentoring programme works in our school and the benefit of the support received from it for students. Through this programme students have the space to talk about all aspects of their lives. Well done to Mr Nealon for presenting so well.


Jan 16
School Closed for students. Staff Training
Jan 22
TY Information Meeting for 3rd Yr Parents
Jan 23
2nd Yr PTSM
Jan 29
Senior Cycle Options Parents 7.30 pm
All 1st, 2nd, TY and Leaving Certificate Applied students will be taking part in a Reading for Pleasure programme 'Lets' Read', a targeted intervention to improve literacy levels.
TY students are poised to keep you connected with all things St Josephs. Their podcast returns.
The annual Christmas fundraising appeal for SVP begins. Listen and enjoy , videos added as they are released. Please support this very worthy cause if you can
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01 843 7534
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