Nineteen students represented St Joseph's Secondary School at BTYSTE 2025 in the RDS. The students presented thirteen projects in four categories. They can be so proud of this achievement. Over 4,000 students from 352 schools in Ireland have entered 2,069 projects for this year's Young Scientists competition, 550 projects were shortlisted to compete in BT-YSTE 2025 a success rate of just 27%. St Joseph's success rate was 47% a testiment to the calibre of project proposals submiited by the students.
The students would especially like to thanks all those to helped them in their BT Journey, teachers who mentored them, students who answered surveys and helped gather data, the BOM for their support in getting them to the RDS. They appreciated all those who were able to come support them in the RDS.
Introducing the Projects
1. Project triangulatus 2: The Role of Native Predatory Invertebrates in Managing Flatworm Invasions

2. Tidal Forces : Investigating the Performance and Efficiency of Wave Energy Systems
3. Go With The Flow - Developing a reliable and robust water current monitoring system.
4. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, the new way to save energy.
5. Are Geiger Counters Reliable in Detecting Background Radiation Levels?
6. Marine Medicine: Uncovering Nature’s Antibiotics in Seaweed Found Along the Irish Coast

7. A novel approach to designing an intraoral scanner for modern-day Dentistry.
8. Enhancing the reliability and accuracy of the UV index formula through machine learning and classification algorithms.
9. Leftover AI: Intelligent Recipes from your Fridge

10. Investigating Sensory Processing Patterns in Adolescents Aged 12-18
11. Brain Exchange An App for Peer-to-Peer tutoring
12. AI Art V Human Art the public's perception
13. Melody In Motion: An Interactive Learning Experience

BT-Young Scientist & Technoligist Exhibition 2025 was officially opened by the President Michael D Higgins.
Click here to listen to the President's Address
Day 1 Wednesday was a busy day for students setting up the Stand and getting ready to explain all to Judges.

Robert O Donoghue TD (Fingal West) was a very welcome Special Guest on Thursday. The RDS was a busy place with the Exhibition open to the Public. Students were delighted to show family and friends their project, and show them around the Exhibition Halls. another busy day with two Judges arriving to discuss the project with the students.

Students were well supported on Friday with a visit from Mr Nealon, Ms O'Boyle and Mr Reade. The Senior Leadership Team (Principal and Deputies) had called in to see students on Tuesday and give them a much needed confidence boost. They were delighted to witness the confidence and enthuasism of the students as they explained Projects to them again but this time in the RDS.

Saturday was all about enjoying the successful completion of the BTYSTE journey, stocking up on stationary supplies in the Exhibition Hall , making contacts with industries, and third level institutes, opportunities await for this years Young Scientists.

Students and Teachers celebrated another successful BTYSTE event with a Breakfast in Adam and Eve Main St Rush. The opportunity to develop skills , make friends, meet experts & mentors is not something the students will ever forget. They can be proud of how they represented their school at BTYSTE 2025.